Open Call – Cultural Heritage Fund 2023

Luiz De Barros • July 31, 2023

Open Call - Cultural Heritage Fund 2023

Newsletter | 10-07-2023 | 10:44

Applications are open until August 10th for the public call "Cultural Heritage Fund 2023" by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

To support projects in Brazil that promote the preservation, sustainable use, management, and visibility of cultural heritage between the Netherlands and Brazil, both materially and immaterially, the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Brazil invites institutions from both countries to submit proposals.

Submit your proposal by August 10th, 2023.

Projects will be evaluated based on their ability to strengthen the cultural identity and/or cultural heritage between both countries, as well as generate knowledge about the impact of this heritage. The effects of the project on the location where it will be carried out will also be taken into consideration, such as interaction with the community, availability of cultural activities, and promotion of science and education. Above all, the project's ability to ensure the preservation and sustainable use of this heritage in the future will be assessed. The project must cover one or more of the following three subjects:

The project should cover one or more of the three topics below:

1. Interaction with the living environment

2. Impact of the Dutch presence in the country (colonial or more recent periods);

3. Heritage (material or immaterial) based on Dutch influence.

More information:

The project should consider some of the following factors: strengthening the cultural identity and/or cultural heritage among the Brazilian public, contributing to the preservation, sustainable use, management, and visibility of cultural heritage, and including training, education, capacity-building, or knowledge exchange component.

To enhance cooperation, projects in which the applying Brazilian institution collaborates with a Dutch partner based in the Netherlands are preferred. If the executing institution is Dutch, it must collaborate with a Brazilian organization.

The proposed project duration should not exceed 12 months and must conclude by December 1, 2022, at the latest.

The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands can provide financial support up to a maximum amount of R$ 60,000.00 (sixty thousand Brazilian reais) or € 12,000.00 (twelve thousand euros) - the latter amount is for payments in Europe only.

The Embassy contributes a maximum of 60% to the total project costs, with full (100%) financing of the proposed project not being possible.

The applying institution must be a legal entity without a profit motive, with a minimum of 3 years of activities, no outstanding tax or labour issues, and not dependent on Dutch financial contributions for its operation.

The analysis of the projects is exclusively conducted by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Brazil. Proposals can be submitted at any time but no later than August 10, 2023. Proposals submitted after this date will be automatically disqualified.

The application form (below) must be submitted electronically to the email address of the Department of Policy, Public Diplomacy, and Culture: BRA-PPC@MINBUZA.NL, with the subject CE 2023 - the name of the institution.

Questions about the Cultural Heritage Fund of the Embassy will be answered exclusively via email: BRA-PPC@MINBUZA.NL.



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